Please go over the questions below to determine the best placement for your swimmer. We are unable to allow swimmers to stay in incorrect levels and cannot guarantee we will have an opening for the correct level. If you are unsure or have not had your swimmer in the water for a long period of time you will want to err on the side of caution.

LEVEL RED (30 minutes, up to 4 swimmers per class)

LEVEL RED: For children with little to no experience in the water. The goal of this class is to gain confidence and comfort in the water. The class will focus on water exploration and introduce water safety and basic swimming skills.

  • Will your swimmer blow bubbles with your face submerged for 5 seconds, 3 times in a row?

  • Will your swimmer explore underwater and retrieve objects from the bottom of the pool with breath control?

  • Will your swimmer streamline with breath control and kick independently for 5 seconds?

  • Will your swimmer comfortably float on back with ears submerged for 10 seconds?

  • Will your swimmer roll from front float to back float and from back float to front float with assistance?

  • Will your swimmer do 3 safety bobs independently pushing off bottom of the pool with breath control in chest deep water?

  • Will your swimmer exit pool at the wall independently?

If you answered no to one or more questions your swimmer is a LEVEL RED. If you answered yes to all of the above questions move on to LEVEL ORANGE

LEVEL ORANGE (30 minutes, up to 4 swimmers per class)

LEVEL ORANGE is for children who are beginning to swim independently on their front and back. The class will focus on safety skills, water acclimation and the beginning of freestyle and backstroke. Students will work on building their confidence in the water while gaining independence on their front and back and rolling from front to back to get air.

  • Will your swimmer recover to vertical position independently on both front and back?

  • Will your swimmer roll from front to back, back to front independently with breath control?

  • Will your swimmer streamline independently and kick on stomach for two body lengths with breath control?

  • Will your swimmer streamline independently and kick on back  for two body lengths with breath control

  • Will your swimmer swim on stomach with freestyle arms for 3 yards with breath control.

  • Will your swimmer swim with angel wing or finning arms on back for 3 yards with breath control

  • Can your swimmer do 3 safety bobs pushing off the bottom of the pool with breath control without assistance?

  • Can your swimmer jump or fall in come up and roll onto back to a stable extended float?

  • Can your swimmer jump or fall in come up and swim back toward the wall and safely exit the pool?

If you answered no to one or more questions your swimmer is a LEVEL ORANGE. If you answered yes to all of the questions, your swimmer is a LEVEL YELLOW.

LEVEL YELLOW (30 minutes, up to 4 swimmers per class)

LEVEL YELLOW: For swimmers who are comfortable and confident in all depths of water and are starting to swim freestyle and backstroke using both arms and legs. The class will focus on safety skills, breathing and the fundamentals of freestyle and backstroke. Students will work on swimming freestyle for extended distances with proper balance and breath control, be introduced to straight, rotating backstroke arms.

  • Will your swimmer streamline and kick for with breath control for 5 yards?

  • Will your swimmer swim catch up freestyle in proper form?

  • Will your swimmer swim recognizable freestyle for half length with breath control, side breathing, catch and anchor freestyle arms, with stroke extending past hips to full out of water recovery back to catch position, breathing every four strokes?

  • Will your swimmer swim streamline on back with breath control, balance, upward kick, extended ankle, pointed toes and maintaining for half a length?

  • Will your swimmer swim backstroke half length of pool with breath control, proper balance, and rotating, rhythmic backstroke arms that catch, anchor, push through?

  • Will your swimmer do safety bobs with nose bubbles while moving towards safety?

  • Will your swimmer tread water for 20 seconds?

If you answered no to one or more questions your swimmer is a LEVEL YELLOW if you answered yes to all of these questions your swimmer may be a LEVEL GREEN

LEVEL GREEN (30 minutes, up to 4 swimmers per class)

LEVEL GREEN For swimmers able to swim half a length of both freestyle and backstroke. Students will work on improving technique and swimming longer distances. Swimmers will swim freestyle and backstroke for 25 yards and be introduced to butterfly and breaststroke kicks.

  • Will your swimmer swim freestyle entire length of pool with proper side breathing and breath control, while maintaining correct technique?

  • Will your swimmer swim backstroke entire length of pool with breath control, and proper technique?

  • Has your swimmer mastered sculling?

  • Will your swimmer do a dolphin kick while holding arms in at the 11 position?

  • Does your swimmer have a knowledge of breaststroke?

  • Does your swimmer know and understand stroke count?

  • Does your swimmer know how to do a flip turn?

  • Can your swimmer do a proper sitting dive?

If you answered no to any of the above questions your swimmer is a LEVEL GREEN.

How do I sign up for Group Lessons?

To register for Group Lessons, please carefully review our class levels. When you are ready to sign up, you will need to create an account in our booking platform iClassPro . There is also a mobile app you can use. Once you have an account and understand the level you are looking for, you can look at available classes and request to be enrolled - or request to join the waitlist.

How do I pay for group swim lessons?

Once a week group swim lessons are $35 per class, billed monthly. All students are required to pay a $40 annual registration fee. You pay for group swim lessons with a credit card attached to your iClassPro account.